Team Building & Leadership Training
Effective, hands-on training that sticks.

Team Building Workshops and Events
Add fun, adventure, reality, results to your training.
DoingWorks has developed a variety of workshops to assist in the process of employee and culture development. Included is a brief description, recommended length of the program, cost and limitations.
All workshops will include experiential learning processes - we will not repeat activities in any of the workshops. Most of the workshops can be facilitated for intact groups even when listed as open sign-up.
We can help you find locations for the multiple day workshops
with overnight accommodations. Multiple day workshops
without overnight accommodations provided, or single day
workshops can be held at your site or at a convenient location
near you.
Tailored Programs
Every organization and team is unique. Our important first step is to get acquainted with you, your structure and operations, to understand your culture, your purpose, and your mission. We can then tailor the process to your needs. The assessment is critical to creating a process that "fits." DoingWorks programs range from a few hours to ongoing training classes and organizational development consulting. We facilitate almost any "people" process including strategic planning, multi-team alignment, and team effectiveness. A DoingWorks specialty is linking with in-house training processes to add "practice" and energy, using experiential learning methods.
Personal Profile System
Description: The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding self, understanding others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior of the people around you. For more than 40 years, the Personal Profile System has unlocked the door to productive communication and relationships for over 30 million people, worldwide, through its DiSC Dimensions of Behavior learning approach. DiSC Dimensions of Behavior provides a non-judgmental language for exploring behavioral issues. This system helps people:
*discover behavioral strengths
*value the strengths of others
*manage/lead effectively
*foster teamwork
*improve communication skills
*enhance customer relationships
This learning system provides in-depth self awareness that will positively impact personal and professional relationships. Completion of this workshop establishes a learning foundation for other DoingWorks workshops. This workshop in conjunction with others could be an option for those who need to revisit the DiSC process.
Length: 8 hours
Conditions: 10-25 participants
Challenge Course Experience
We can show you "The Ropes."
* Explore the concepts, behaviors and actions of effective teamwork.
* Create a true experiential process where action and consequence are linked close in time and space, which enhances the learning.
* Practice and test the concepts taught in the classroom.
* Increase participants' energy toward using what they've learned.
* Challenge assumptions and step out of the "comfort zone."
* Explore the concepts of trust, support, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and continuous improvement.
* Fun!
Description: DoingWorks can facilitate low and high ropes or challenge course elements or portable events for your group. This experience can stand alone or be integrated into the organization's existing training programs. These programs can be customized to support and reinforce the content and concepts of existing leadership and team building training curricula. Why experiential training or a challenge course? The premise is simple--experiential learning focuses on learning that involves the whole person and applies the learning in all aspects of being. The challenge course simulates crises and chaos similar to work. The team must project their decision-making process and group intelligence onto the experience for the team to be successful. This is a mini-life, practice laboratory. DoingWorks has accessed and facilitated courses world wide.
Length: 4 hours to 5 days
Conditions: 4-15 participants per facilitator
Jump-Start Your Brain!- Creative Problem-Solving
Description: Utilizing proven methods developed by a former marketing guru for Procter and Gamble, DoingWorks facilitates a combination of classroom discussion and hands-on techniques to help participants explore their current brain operating system and increase their creative problem-solving techniques by up to 500 percent.
Length: 8 hours
Conditions: 10-20 participants
Work Teams/Project Teams - Hit the Ground Running!
Description: Successful work team members don't do the same thing at the same time. They do the right thing at the right time. A clear understanding of individual roles, in the process of working together toward a common goal, is the first step to creating cohesive, high performance teams. The Team Dimensions Profile helps work teams to:
*identify individual strengths and approaches to teamwork
*clarify team members' roles
*reinforce the contributions of every team member
*reduce work cycle time and increase productivity
*foster mutual support
*enhance performance
Work teams or project teams will work through the Personal Profile System to create interpersonal understanding and the Team Dimensions Profile to create team role understanding. With this targeted focus, in combination with experiential learning methods, old and new work "groups" will spend 2 days preparing to Hit the Ground Running! as a cohesive, high performing work "team". This preparation will prove the wisdom of "going slower to go faster." The 2 day investment will eliminate the risk of work time being wasted in ineffective communication and role confusion.
Length: 16 hours
Conditions: Intact work/project teams and their managers
A Personal Visioning Journey: Discovering & Articulating Your Core Ideology
Description: Vision is one of the most overused--and least understood--words we use. This workshop invites participants to explore intrapersonally--to discover and describe their core ideology. This workshop is an opportunity for participants to "look in" for a change - an intrapersonal development process. The content is a guided experience using a model described in the Collins and Porras lead article in the September/October Harvard Business Review, the model developed in their book, Built to Last. The model gives clarity to the important balance between discovering what is core and should never change (core values & purpose) and creating what should be continually changing (envisioned future). Participants will work independently and in small groups through journaling, experiential exercises, and group discussion. The "product" of the workshop will be a clearly stated personal core ideology - core values, purpose for living, and envisioned future.
Length: 8 hours
Conditions: 10-20 participants
Virtual World: A Journey into More Effective Teamwork
Description: Utilizing a unique and internationally renowned compass adventure designed by Sam Sikes, DoingWorks proposes going on-site to work with intact work teams. This half- or full-day experiential adventure helps teams deal with issues such as leadership, problem solving, decision making and strategic planning. A DoingWorks facilitator has many opportunities along the way to guide team discussions toward transfer of learning back to the workplace.
Length: 8 hours
Conditions: 2-11 participants per course (several courses can be facilitated concurrently)
Keep it simple: Call or email to get your questions answered.